EU-høring om reduksjon av transfett i matvarer

EU-høring om reduksjon av transfett i matvarer

Open public consultation on the initiative to limit industrial trans fats intakes in the EU

Høring igangsatt av Kommisjonen 17.11.2017


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens høringsnettside)

About this consultation
17 November 2017 - 9 February 2018

Target group
All citizens and organisations are welcome to contribute to this consultation. In particular, contributions are sought from:

• Interested individual/citizen/consumer

• Processors

• Restaurants/ food service

• Food distribution / wholesale/ retail

• business organisations (including associations, chambers of commerce, etc.)

• national public authorities

• other public institutions

• non-governmental and civil society organisations

• research institutions/think tanks

Objective of the consultation
Trans fats are a particular type of unsaturated fats that are present in foods in the EU and whose consumption increases the risk of Coronary Heart Disease more than any other nutrient. Trans fats can be produced industrially and can also be naturally present in food products derived from ruminant animals such as dairy products or meat from cattle, sheep or goat.

The European Commission is currently carrying out an Impact Assessment on a possible EU-based initiative to limit intakes of industrial trans fats in the diet of EU consumers, such as to limit industrial trans fats content in food through self-regulation or through a legally-binding measure, to introduce mandatory labelling of the trans fats content of foods on food labels or to prohibit the use of partly hydrogenated oils, which are the main source of industrial trans fats, in foods manufacturing/preparation through self-regulation or through a legally-binding measure.

The present public consultation integrates the targeted consultations with interested stakeholders and national competent authorities already carried out by the Commission and an external contractor which supports the Commission's work on trans fats. This public consultation is aimed at giving an additional possibility to all stakeholders and individual citizens with a possible interest in trans fats to provide their views on key elements of the Impact Assessment.