EU-konsultasjon om e-frakt

EU-konsultasjon om e-frakt

Public Consultation on the European Union e-Freight Initiative

Åpen konsultasjon igangsatt av Europakommisjonen 26.10.2012 (frist 17.1.2013)


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens konsultasjonsnettside, engelsk utgave)

The EU aims at establishing the adequate structural conditions for fostering growth of the EU economy. A main element needed to support growth is the facilitation of the transport of goods. e-Freight will help improving the efficiency of freight transport and thus contribute to growth and competitiveness. Through supporting the achievement of the missing link between different information tools and the facilitation of seamless information flows and thus transport of goods across modes and countries, it will simplify the organisation and execution of freight transport across modes and countries, and therefore contribute to unifying the European Transport Area.

The EU has been for many years actively supporting a policy of efficient and sustainable unimodal and multimodal transport logistics chains, for which accompanying seamless information flows is a prerequisite. While progress in this respect has so far mostly taken place at an individual mode level, in terms of vertical integration and interoperability, often triggered by traffic management needs and public reporting requirements, the additional challenge lies in the horizontal integration and interoperability of information and information exchange across several transport modes.

The White Paper on Transport “Roadmap to a Single Transport Area – towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system” adopted in March 2011 has therefore proposed action n°7 on multimodal transport of goods - e-Freight.

e-Freight will support the development of an overall framework for information exchange between the different actors in the transport logistics chain in combination with the necessary standards, administrative, governance and legal provisions. It will:

• allow for entering information only once in the whole logistics chain for planning, execution, monitoring and reporting purposes
• retrieve information on vehicle position and network status from modal traffic information and management systems (co-operative systems such RIS, ERTMS/TAF TSI, SafeSeaNet/eMaritime, road ITS, SESAR).
• develop a structure for the use of information coming from tracking and tracing technologies as well as for intelligent cargo applications.
• support the development of interoperable information and booking tools (such as multimodal journey planners for freight) for an optimized use of multimodal transport possibilities.

This will allow for a more efficient information exchange, and therefore a more efficient freight transport, and will simplify the use of multimodal and cross-countries freight transport.

This consultation aims at collecting your views on the e-Freight initiative in order to assess the possible actions that could help meet the above mentioned objectives. We kindly ask you to evaluate the presented measures, propose modifications or even other measures. We also ask your opinion on the EU e-Freight initiative in general.