Handlingsplan for 5G i Europa

Handlingsplan for 5G i Europa

Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Europaparlamentet, Rådet, Den europeiske økonomiske og sosiale komite og Regionsutvalget. 5G for Europa: en handlingsplan
Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions. 5G for Europe: An Action Plan

Dansk departementsnotat offentliggjort 14.10.2016


BAKGRUNN (fra Kommisjonens meddelelse, engelsk utgave)

Timely deployment of 5G: a strategic opportunity for Europe

Twenty-four years after the successful introduction of the 2G (GSM) mobile networks in Europe, another revolution is in sight with a new generation of network technologies, known as 5G, opening prospects for new digital economic and business models. 5G is not fully standardised yet but its key specifications and technological building blocks are already being developed and tested. 5G is seen as a game changer, enabling industrial transformations through wireless broadband services provided at gigabit speeds, the support of new types of applications connecting devices and objects (the Internet of Things), and versatility by way of software virtualisation allowing innovative business models across multiple sectors (e.g. transport, health, manufacturing, logistics, energy, media and entertainment). While these transformations have already started on the basis of existing networks, they will need 5G if they are to reach their full potential in the coming years.

The Commission strategy for the Digital Single Market (DSM strategy) and the Communication Connectivity for a Competitive Digital Single Market: Towards a European Gigabit Society underline the importance of very high capacity networks like 5G as a key asset for Europe to compete in the global market. Worldwide 5G revenues should reach the equivalent of €225 billion in 2025 . Another source indicates that the benefits of 5G introduction across four key industrial sectors may reach €114 billion/year.

The Commission launched in 2013 a Public-Private-Partnership (5G-PPP) backed by 700 million euro of public funding with the aim of making sure that 5G technology is available in Europe by 2020. However, research efforts alone will not be sufficient to ensure Europe's leadership in 5G. A wider effort is needed to make 5G and the services that will flow from it a reality, in particular for the emergence of a European "home market" for 5G.

The proposed European Electronic Communications Code4 will support the deployment and take-up of 5G networks, notably as regards assignment of radio spectrum, investment incentives and favourable framework conditions, while the recently adopted rules on open Internet provide legal certainty as regards the deployment of 5G applications. This communication complements and leverages this new regulatory framework through a set of targeted actions. These draw on multiple consultations, events with stakeholders, a targeted survey, several studies industry consultations, and early results from the 5G-PPP. It presents an action plan for timely and coordinated deployment of 5G networks in Europe through a partnership between the Commission, Member States, and industry.