Kreativt innhold på nettet
Meddelelse fra Kommisjonen til Rådet, Europaparlamentet og Den økonomiske og sosial komite og Regionkomiteen om kreativt online-innhold i det indre marked
Dansk departementsvurdering ("grundnotat") offentliggjort 13.1.2010
Bakgrunn (fra Kommisjonens meddelelse, engelsk utgave)
Creative Content Online
The availability and take-up of broadband, and the increasing possibility to access creative
content and services everywhere and anytime, provide challenging new opportunities. For
consumers, it means new ways to access, and even to influence, creative content available on
worldwide networks such as the internet, both from home and using mobile devices. For
companies, it means the possibility to offer new services and content and to develop new
With the emergence of new devices, networks and services, these challenges have to be
addressed by content and network operators, right holders, consumers, governments and
independent regulators. Successful responses will be key to growth, jobs and innovation in
They can best be addressed at European level as most of these new services need the dual
advantages of economies of scale and cultural diversity that the EU internal market provides.
Therefore, EU policies should aim at promoting fast and efficient implementation of new
services and related business models for the creation and circulation of European content and
knowledge online. In this context, the Commission has identified as "creative content
distributed online": content and services such as audiovisual media online (film, television,
music and radio), games online, online publishing, educational content as well as usergenerated
According to the study on "Interactive content and convergence" (covering EU 25), by 2010,
revenues from online content, will more than quadruple from €1.8bn in 2005, to €8.3bn by
2010, online content will also make up a sizeable part of total revenues in some sectors; about
20% for music and 33% for video games.
With the spread of broadband internet access, the roll-out of advanced mobile networks, and
the mass availability of digital devices it is possible to distribute online content on a market of
dimensions unknown until now. European consumers increasingly access films, music, news
or games through different networks and electronic devices.
Creative Content Online
The availability and take-up of broadband, and the increasing possibility to access creative
content and services everywhere and anytime, provide challenging new opportunities. For
consumers, it means new ways to access, and even to influence, creative content available on
worldwide networks such as the internet, both from home and using mobile devices. For
companies, it means the possibility to offer new services and content and to develop new
With the emergence of new devices, networks and services, these challenges have to be
addressed by content and network operators, right holders, consumers, governments and
independent regulators. Successful responses will be key to growth, jobs and innovation in
They can best be addressed at European level as most of these new services need the dual
advantages of economies of scale and cultural diversity that the EU internal market provides.
Therefore, EU policies should aim at promoting fast and efficient implementation of new
services and related business models for the creation and circulation of European content and
knowledge online. In this context, the Commission has identified as "creative content
distributed online": content and services such as audiovisual media online (film, television,
music and radio), games online, online publishing, educational content as well as usergenerated
According to the study on "Interactive content and convergence" (covering EU 25), by 2010,
revenues from online content, will more than quadruple from €1.8bn in 2005, to €8.3bn by
2010, online content will also make up a sizeable part of total revenues in some sectors; about
20% for music and 33% for video games.
With the spread of broadband internet access, the roll-out of advanced mobile networks, and
the mass availability of digital devices it is possible to distribute online content on a market of
dimensions unknown until now. European consumers increasingly access films, music, news
or games through different networks and electronic devices.