Kommisjonsforordning (EU) 2024/3196 av 18. desember 2024 om endring av vedlegg I til europaparlaments- og rådsforordning (EF) nr. 396/2005 med hensyn til redikkblader
Øvre grenseverdier for rester av plantevernmidler i næringsmidler: endringsbestemmelser om reddikblader
Kommisjonsforordning publisert i EU-tidende 19.12.2024
- Utkast til forordning lagt fram av Kommisjonen 22.2.2024 med tilbakemeldingsfrist 21.3.2024
BAKGRUNN (fra kommisjonsforordningen)
(1) The products of plant and animal origin to which the maximum residue levels (‘MRLs’) of pesticides set by Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 apply, are listed in Annex I to that Regulation.
(2) Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/62 (2) introduced a new entry for ‘radish leaves’ in Part B of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, as a product to which the same MRLs as to ‘kales’ were to apply. Following receipt of information suggesting that MRLs for kales may not be suitable for radish leaves in all cases and that specific residue trials on radish leaves were needed to confirm the appropriate MRLs, Commission Regulation (EU) 2018/1049 (3) provided for a transitional period before those MRLs become applicable to ‘radish leaves’ to enable Member States to collect necessary data on whether the MRLs for ‘kales’ are appropriate to be applied to ‘radish leaves’. That period was then extended until 1 January 2025 by Commission Regulation (EU) 2021/1771 (4).
(3) Member States provided results which indicated that for the radish varieties with small leaves (Raphanus sativus var. radicula) the most similar good agricultural practices were the ones used for Roman rocket/rucola, which belongs to the same botanical family (Brassicaceae) and shares morphological similarities, while for those with large leaves (Raphanus sativus var. longipinnatus and Raphanus sativus var. niger) the most similar good agricultural practices were the ones used for kale.
(4) It is therefore appropriate to include two separate entries for radish leaves in Part B of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005, by including a new entry for ‘small radish leaves’ to which the same MRLs as to ‘Roman rocket/rucola’ in Part A of that Annex are to apply, and to modify the existing entry in Part B of Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 from ‘radish leaves’ to ‘large radish leaves’ to which the same MRLs as to ‘kales’ in Part A of that Annex are to apply. Those entries should also include the scientific names of the species and varieties to which the products belong.
(5) Since the necessary data has now been provided by Member States, the footnote concerning the transitional period for radish leaves should be deleted from Annex I to Regulation (EC) No 396/2005.
(6) Regulation (EC) No 396/2005 should therefore be amended accordingly.
(7) The measures provided for in this Regulation are in accordance with the opinion of the Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed,